Learn Something Every Day
Mission statement:
To provide a range of resources to families with children starting school that assist them in:
Deciding if their child is school ready.
Informing them about the school journey.
Preparing for their child’s school commencement.
Jana Limburg & Nicole Goodwin

Email: hello[at]nicoleg32.sg-host.com
Phone: (02) 8006 4443
It's about a smooth start to school - minus the anxiety.
Why Ready, Steady, School?
Like most parents, we were excited about our children taking the next step in their educational journey.
The age your child starts school is an individual decision. And, for some people it is not a choice. Either way, we believe that children deserve the best possible start to their school journey.
We want every child’s transition from pre-school to formal learning to be as smooth and stress-free as possible. With the help of parents and kindergarten teachers, and, in accordance with the Early Years Learning Framework; we have developed a masterclass to best assist you with that process.
We have also developed quick assessment guides and checklists for all developmental areas to help identify areas that may need some extra attention. We have then developed a huge number of hands-on activities to help improve the areas that they need assistance in.
We know that children develop at different rates and learn skills in different ways. Your school will aim to respond to these needs, learning styles and rates of progress, for each individual student. Our goal is to make that shift smooth and without added anxiety. Schools also cater learning experiences based on the skills students bring with them to school so we aim to broaden and provide ample experiences before begin school to give them that extra boost.
Let us come on this journey with you! We are here to help.
Our Vision
Who We Are
"Practise the skills they are yet to master ."
Children don’t need to get it right 100% of the time, nor will they. Our focus is knowing what to aim for and which skills are most important to best prepare them for school.
Like most parents, we were excited about our children taking the next step in their educational journey.
But, we were also filled with some anxiety; would our child settle in easily, were they developmentally around the same level as other children their age, ultimately; were they school ready?
We gathered feedback where we could; from early child care educators, family members, friends with children, but still couldn’t come down to a decisive answer. And as much as the internet is a plethora of knowledge, it also didn’t help make the decision easier.
So we thought, why not make our own parents guide? Why not use all the collaborated information and feedback to help parents, like us, make a more informed decision about their child’s school readiness.
We have combined a professional Mum’s expertise and drive, with an experienced kindergarten teacher’s knowledge to come up with some school readiness checklists, school preparation activities and comprehensive information that will hopefully help you decide if your child is ready, steady (for) school.
We deliver our information in accordance with the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standards as determined by the National Quality Framework
Meet the Creators
Nicole Goodwin
I am a mum with young kids and was faced with the dilemma of whether to send my child to school or not.
I was in search of resources out there for assistance in this decision but wasn’t really satisfied by what I was finding or not finding.
Through my quest to make a decision I discovered there was so much to know, so much to think about and so much I never thought about that is so relevant.
I was asking people that knew us I thought it would be enough, but one day it would be YES the next NO and it went on like that for months! Where I should have just made an informed decision if I had the knowledge in my hands.
I really wanted something that was easy to take in and understand and was straightforward without sitting and reading a 100-page book with just writing.
I consulted my really good friend and kindergarten teacher ‘Jana’ and convinced her to work with me to make a fun but informative program to make starting school, easier and more stress-free than what I had to go through and so Ready, Steady, Group was born.

Jana Limburg

I, too, am a Mum, with an eleven-year-old about to start high school (argh!). So, I’ve been through the primary school, parenting journey. I’ve had to make that vital decision about when/where to send my child, as well as watch friends and family labour over the same decision. Furthermore, I’ve experienced the ins and outs of school from a parent’s perspective.
At the same time, I’ve been wearing my teaching hat. I’ve taught for around 11 years and my expertise (and passion) is especially with the younger years. There’s something about taking a class of new kindergarten students under your wing and watching them grow and flourish throughout the year.
Not long before my son started school, I also got my Counselling Diploma. I feel like it really complements teaching, and life, in general.
I’ve taught many children as they started their school journey, I’ve seen some who were less ready, struggle and gradually find their feet, and ones who were bursting-through- the- door- ready, thrive and embrace every moment of their schooling experience.
When Nicole approached me about this idea, I was excited. I love the idea of using our knowledge as parents and educators to help others. And, I hope our combined dedication and approach to positive schooling will help many parents and children during what is such a momentous time!
Ready, Steady, Let’s Go 🙂